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西人著書 耶穌教 聖歌

續纂省身神詩 Links
嗎𠯿呷 : 英華書院, 道光十五年[1835]
線裝1冊(19頁) ; 21.0公分
By R Morrison?
Sinica 336

Sinica 1406 (精裝 ; 19.8公分) Fulltext

讚神樂章, 曲譜附 = Hymns and tunes Links
Nying-po [Ningpo], 1856
線裝1冊(26頁) : 樂譜 ; 23.0公分
By E C Lord
Chinese text with romanised Ningpo translation
Sinica 1636

Sinica 2316 Images Fulltext

養心神詩新編 Links
[Amoy], 咸豐七年[1857]
線裝1冊(39頁) ; 21.6公分
By W Young and A Stronach
In Amoy colloquial
Sinica 1659

Sing-saen-yiae-ko Links
Nying-po [Ningpo] : 華花書房, 1858
線裝1冊(x, 72, 4頁) : 樂譜 ; 17.9 x 26.6公分
Chinese title: 聖山諧歌
By E B Inslee
In romanised Ningpo dialect
Sinica 1827

Sinica 2142 Fulltext

tsan sung sz Links
yan fung kyeu nyien [1859]
線裝1冊(3, 23頁) ; 21.3公分
By A B Cabaniss
In Shanghai dialect written in "New Phonetic Character"
Chinese characters for title and date are 「讚神詩」 and 「咸豐九年」
Sinica 1583 Images Fulltext

宗主詩章 Links
[Canton] : 惠愛醫館, 咸豐庚申[1860]
線裝1冊(60頁) : 樂譜 ; 20.5公分
By J Legge ; set to music by J Chalmers
Sinica 1535

讚神詩 Links
上海 : 聖會堂, 1860
線裝1冊([2], 23頁) ; 16.4公分
By A B Cabaniss
In Shanghai dialect
Sinica 1264 Images Fulltext

救世聖歌 Links
[Shanghai], [1861]
線裝1冊(39頁) ; 14.0公分
By W Muirhead
Sinica 1154 Fulltext

宗主詩章, 五十篇 Links
[Hankow], [1861]
線裝1冊(30頁) ; 20.8公分
By G John
Sinica 1566 (Lacks a title-page)

廈腔神詩 Links
[Amoy] : 濟世醫館, [1862]
線裝1冊(20頁) ; 21.5公分
By W C Burns
In Amoy dialect
Sinica 1660