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西人著書 耶穌教 論説

神道論贖救世總說真本 Links
[Canton?], [1811?]
毛裝1冊(6頁) ; 19.9公分
By Robert Morrison
Front cover (title-page) inscribed "On the Salvation of Man", and in a different hand "Wm. Jenks. May 16. 1829. From Mrs. Furness"
Sinica 2672 Images

勸讀聖錄熟知文 Links
[Canton?], [c.1812?]
線裝1冊(10頁) ; 23.8公分
Running title 「勤讀聖錄」
Text in 2 zhang
By Robert Morrison
Sinica 2937 Images

Sinica 3927 (24.0公分. MS note on cover: "The first homily of the Church of England in Chinese. Translated by Dr. Morrison, one of the missionaries of the London Missionary Society")

Sinica 3928 (毛裝, 24.1公分. Later impression, on poor quality paper. MS note as on first copy) Images

勸讀聖錄熟知文 Links
[Canton?], [c.1812?]
線裝1冊(12頁) ; 23.3公分
Running title 「勸讀聖錄」
By Robert Morrison
The text is completely different from Morrison's other tract with the same title
Sinica 2936 Images

救世者言行真史紀 / 博愛者纂 Links
[Canton], [1814]
線裝1冊(4, 3, 63頁) ; 23.3公分
Running title 「救世言行」
Sinica 1736

崇真實棄假謊略說 / 博愛者纂 Links
[Malacca], [1816]
線裝1冊(71-75頁) ; 18.8公分
Offprint from 「察世俗每月統記傳」
Sinica 1341 Fulltext

賭博明論略講 / 博愛者纂 Links
[Malacca], [1819]
線裝1冊(13頁) ; 18.0公分
Sinica 1269 Images

受災學義論說 / 博愛者纂 Links
[Malacca], [1819]
線裝1冊(1, 13頁) ; 18.2公分
Offprint from 「察世俗每月統記傳」
Sinica 1330 Fulltext

鄉訓五十二則 / 博愛者纂 Links
嗎𠯿呷 : 英華書院, [嘉慶庚辰年(1820)序]
線裝1冊(3, 1, 61頁) ; 24.8公分
Sinica 2932

三字經 / 尚德者纂 Links
[Batavia], [1823]
線裝1冊(16頁) ; 19.5公分
Sinica 1381

零碎真珠 / 尚德者纂 Links
[Batavia], [1823-1826]
線裝1冊(various pagings) ; 18.3公分
Offprints from W H Medhurst's 《特選撮要》 ("Monthly magazine"), juan 1-3
Sinica 1306 Images Fulltext